"Puppy Love," written by Dolly at age 11, along with her Uncle Bill Owens, was released by Goldband Records in 1959. The lyrics showcase Dolly’s ability, even at a young age, to write relatable songs. In this upbeat song, she sings about the hot and cold emotions of young love. "Girl Left Alone" written by Dolly, her Aunt Dorothy Jo Owens and Uncle Bill Owens appeared on side B.
Dolly and her grandmother, Rena Owens, took a 30-hour bus trip to the recording studio in Lake Charles, Louisiana to record the songs. Remembering that fateful journey, Dolly said,
"I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way the inside of that bus smelled. It was a combination of diesel fuel, Naugahyde, and people who were going places."
Based in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Goldband Records was founded by Eddie Shuler. He first started the label to promote his own band, the All-Star Reveliers but soon brought in more artists. In 1954, Boozoo Chavis recorded his hit "Paper In My Shoe" on the Goldband label. Phil Phillips' hit song, "Sea Of Love," also on Goldband, was released the same year as Dolly’s "Puppy Love."
Listen to free song previews of "Puppy Love" and "Girl Left Alone" in the SoundCloud player below.
Click here to view song lyrics for "Puppy Love."