$10 million provided to deliver books into the hands of North Carolina's youngest children

Smart Start and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library are working together to bring books to North Carolina’s youngest children through funding provided by the North Carolina General Assembly.

During the 2017 legislative session, North Carolina state lawmakers included $3.5 million in the first year of the budget and $7 million in the second year for the Smart Start network to offer free books through Dolly Parton's Imagination Library to children across the state. Imagination Library is a program created to foster a love of reading among children age birth to five through the gift of a specially selected book delivered right to their home each month.

“I’m thrilled that my Imagination Library is going to be offered to so many children in North Carolina. Working together we can help children dream more, learn more, care more, and be more.”

Senator Ralph Hise and Representative Josh Dobson joined Smart Start and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library representatives to kick off the statewide effort that will begin in 98 of North Carolina’s 100 counties. Because the program is offered by zip code, the initial launch will cover 85 percent of NC zip codes expanding to cover every county by the second year. Cindy Watkins is the President of the North Carolina Partnership for Children that oversees the Smart Start network. She said,

“Our state leaders clearly understand how important an early love of reading is for each child's success in school and later in life. Smart Start works in every community to ensure young children have a strong foundation for starting kindergarten – now we can offer this important literacy program to that critical work.”

Smart Start

Smart Start is a network of 75 nonprofit local partnerships that serve all 100 North Carolina counties. This network is led by The North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc. (NCPC) that ensures fiscal and programmatic accountability, and coordinates the statewide network to create better outcomes for children and families.

Visit Smart Start to learn more about the partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, check availability or register a child.



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